906 - The Lure (2015)

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, 11 a.m.


This is a movie that sells itself. \\xa0Director Agnieszka Smoczy\\u0144ska\\u2018s musical is about flesh-eating mermaids working in a sleazy cabaret/strip club in 1980s Poland. That deranged mash-up of a premise provokes just as varied of a series of responses: thrilling, unsettling, sexy, repulsive, funny, and despairing. \\xa0With a kind of magical realism/urban fantasy/rock opera aesthetic, the director plays with feminine fears and desires in the face of a timidly repressive patriarchal society.

If you\\u2019d like to watch ahead for next week\\u2019s film, we will be discussing and reviewing Kaneto Shind\\u014d\\u2019s\\xa0The Naked Island\\xa0(1960).
