725 - Eraserhead (1977)

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, noon


Get ready, Randy has picked another big one for us.\\xa0 And he actually picked the first film by a celebrated director for once.\\xa0 David Lynch\'s Eraserhead is such a desperately ambitious, risk-everything film that one is tempted to call it "groundbreaking" except for the fact that it\'s so unique in its vision and execution that you\'d be hard pressed to name what it broke ground for.\\xa0 Jack Nance plays Henry, newly saddled with his helpless, mutated, infant offspring and coming face to face with surreal visions and manifestations of his darkest fears and fantasies.\\xa0 And there\'s a lady in the radiator.

If you\'d like to watch ahead for next week\'s film, we will be discussing and reviewing Godfrey Reggio\'s Koyaanisqatsi (1982).
