341 - A Canterbury Tale (1944)

Published: Dec. 2, 2019, noon


A plucky trio of young contributors to the Allied war effort find themselves caught up in a dastardly plot to poor glue in girls\\u2019 hair in a small English town. But mostly they all just come to learn about how the shared heritage of America and England is a noble culture worth celebrating. Basically, this is a government-sponsored bit of war-time propaganda, but it is directed by Powell and Pressburger, so that\\u2019s something. As the title suggests, it\\u2019s kind of related to Chaucer\\u2019s Canterbury Tales, but just barely. In the end, this somehow becomes a delightfully charming film.\\xa0

If you'd like to watch ahead for next week's film, we will be watching Joel and Ethan Cohen's\\xa0Inside Llewyn Davis\\xa0(2013).
