They're Heeeereeee...

Published: June 12, 2023, 6:04 a.m.

b"It's hard to believe that the Vegas Golden Knights are just one win away from winning the Stanley Cup! Chunga and Chandler are besides themselves!!!!!! GO KNIGHTS GO!!!!
Hey the Unabomber just died! How many of you were surprised he was still alive!??
Many of you have been homesick for Bash Music... could it be returning soon!?!? Hmmmmm!
Have you heard the news!?! An alien spacecraft may have crash landed in Las Vegas!!! Not only that a government whistleblower blower says this kind of thing has been happening for decades!!! WHAT!?!?
Panda has another classic 80's movie shout out AND it's time for a new round of Headline D&D!!!!! Listen NOW on or wherever you get your podcasts!!"