Crockett Goes To Lava Hot Springs.....

Published: July 21, 2022, 6:36 a.m.

b"Boy howdy!!!! It's time for Radio Ronin!!!!
Hoover Dam had an explosion!!! RUN!!!!!! Oh, wait...
Chunga, Chandler and Gregg are proud to welcome Jason Crockett back to the show!! Why? Because he was brave and went to Lava Hot Springs!!!!
CHUNGA POLL: If you could be any super hero, who would you be?!? Post your answers below!!!
Joseph Quinn from Stranger Things had an emotional moment at London Comic Con. What happened?!
Keanu Reeves has always had a dream to play a certain character, and now some people think he going to get a chance!!
PLUS, Gregg has a surprising summertime movie shout-out!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!!"