Chunga Meets The Hitmaker!!!

Published: April 7, 2022, 8:50 a.m.

b"We have a winner of the Radio Ronin March Madness Tournament!!
Hey Gregg! Glad that wrong way driver didn't kill you!!! That one was close! WAY too close!!
Chunga is giddy!! He's so excited he's trying to contain it during the show!! What's up Chunga? Why you so excited? Music history, that's why!!
Chandler's nose is jacked up! He's legit worried that something has gone wrong, post surgery.
CHUNGA POLL: What sequel is better than the original?! Post your answers below!!!
Hey, did any of you watch the Grammy's?! Chunga, Chandler and Gregg live for music and didn't know 90% of the artist involved!!
AND Gregg reviews a wonderful, classic, spring break movie!! Listen now!!!"