Chunga Has Solved Political Correctness!!!

Published: March 15, 2022, 6:41 a.m.

b'Good things come to those who wait! It\\u2019s time for RADIO RONIN!!! It\\u2019s Daylight Saving Time!!!! We finally made it! Sunny days and warm nights are on the way! Chunga says it\\u2019s really hard, if not impossible to do comedy \\u2014 thanks to overly sensitive people \\u2014 in today\\u2019s world. Well now he thinks he\\u2019s figured it all out!!!!! Let the good times roll!!!! Oh, and he got yet another speeding ticket.

Hey, did you get signed up and fill out your brackets for Ronin March Madness?!! Hurry the deadline is Wednesday night!!

Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland is now closed indefinitely. There\\u2019s a ton of rumors and misinformation surrounding the closure. Chunga and Chandler were one of the last people to ride it. They\\u2019ll give you an update and set everything straight!!

Plus, Panda has his first Spring Break movie AND it\\u2019s time for another round of Headline D&D!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!'