Radio Ignite Live - Thinktank Thursdays - Dieting and Pricing

Published: Jan. 3, 2019, 9:24 p.m.

Today on Radio Ignite Live - Thinktank Thursday... Today, we will discuss raising prices in a new year and dieting that doesn't work. Raising Prices From our experience, many bookkeeping professionals and tax preparers are under-charging for their services. We help them change that (Get the Book "Pricing Your Practice, see below) by increasing their prices over time and adding new services and new clients at a new, higher rate. They are often surprised by the positive results. We'll talk about it today and answer your questions. Dieting That Doesn't Work Eating healthy doesn't mean we have to eliminate all the fun. We can be smart, eat well, and enjoy life. Exercise is the key. Yesterday I bought new hockey skates so I can go to Sticktime with my kids. Not only will I get to spend more time with them, I'll be in the best shape ever soon. Then I'll eat a pizza and a beer! We spend so much time worried about dieting and weighing ourselves and our children are watching. A friend and superstar physical trainer, motivator and Jenny Schatzle of Bond Fitness wrote on Instagram this morning: "A lot of our food issues started when we were young in our own homes. We want better for our own children, we would never want them to talk about their bodies the way we do. Or have them struggle obsessing about food, constantly dieting, chasing a body or weight or look that ultimately is never enough yet we still aren’t willing to change the conversation for ourselves. ⠀⠀ We want different for our children yet we still have the scale in the bathroom. We still do the diet telling ourselves this time it’s going to work. We still base our happiness and success on weight loss and body type. ⠀⠀ They are watching just like you were. They see you, they hear they way you talk about your body, your food and they are creating their own self worth based off yours. ⠀⠀ How about this year our number one goal is to change the conversation for ourselves because we can’t change it for them if we don’t change it for us first. #DietsDontWork #ToxicCycle #BreakTheCycle #BeTheExample" Learn more about Bond Fitness (new site coming soon) and Jenny at You can tune it at either school: