Radio Ignite Live - Communicating With Leads And Customers In 2019

Published: April 2, 2019, 4:30 p.m.

The world just keeps changing and communication has changed drastically. Our kids don’t use email and I’m guessing neither should we. But what do we use? Snapchat? Facebook Messenger? FaceTime? Tik Tok? Twitter? Slack? Drift? Yes. Today on Radio Ignite Live, we will discuss the many different ways to communicate with your leads, clients, family and friends and which ones you should be using or at least considering today. Ironically, just as this show was created, a millennial from Drift using Slack sent me his phone number and said “give me a call.” I forgot about phones. Tucker from Drift (reach him @CorpoTuck on Twitter) proved my point seconds after I wrote this show’s notes. We’ll discuss that too today.