Salat (Contact Prayer) According to Quran

Published: Sept. 27, 2019, 2:33 p.m.

b'Subscribe to the Quran Talk podcast:\\nCheck out video notes:\\nQuran translation on iOS:\\nAdditional Resources:\\nContact: qurantalk (at) gmail (dot) com\\nFood for the soul\\nEvery day we feed our bodies with breakfast lunch and dinner. We know that in order to be healthy it is essential to eat meals. \\nBut what are we feeding our souls?\\nGod has designated for us the meal for our souls through our Salat, our Contact Prayer, but unlike a meal for our body our souls are metaphorically disjoined from our body. When we miss a meal we feel the pangs of hunger, but when we don\\u2019t feed our souls their designated meals we don\\u2019t realize the suffering we are putting on our souls. \\nAnd the extent to the damage will be seen on the day of Judgment when we discard these worldly bodies garments and all that is left is our souls our real selves.\\nWe will see that some souls on that Day have been nourished and have grown tremendously while other souls were completely neglected and starving this whole time on Earth. \\n[101:6] As for him whose weights are heavy. [101:7] He will lead a happy (eternal) life. [101:8] As for him whose weights are light. [101:9] His destiny is lowly.\\n[7:8] The scales will be set on that day, equitably. Those whose weights are heavy will be the winners. [7:9] As for those whose weights are light, they will be the ones who lost their souls, as a consequence of disregarding our revelations, unjustly.\\n[23:99] When death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back. [23:100] "I will then work righteousness in everything I left." Not true. This is a false claim that he makes. A barrier will separate his soul from this world until resurrection. [23:101] When the horn is blown, no relations among them will exist on that day, nor will they care about one another. [23:102] As for those whose weights are heavy, they will be the winners. [23:103] Those whose weights are light are the ones who lost their souls; they abide in Hell forever.\\n[74:40] While in Paradise, they will ask. [74:41] About the guilty. [74:42] "What brought you to this retribution?" [74:43] They will say, "We did not observe the contact prayers (Salat). [74:44] "We did not feed the poor. [74:45] "We blundered with the blunderers. [74:46] "We disbelieved in the Day of Judgment. [74:47] "Until certainty came to us now.\\u201d\\nThe Salat is absolutely essential for our salvation in the Hereafter. While it is possible to live off snacks through other forms of worship practices the Salat are the essential meal for the sol. \\n[75:26] Indeed, when (the soul) reaches the throat. [75:27] And it is ordered: "Let go!" [75:28] He knows it is the end. [75:29] Each leg will lay motionless next to the other leg. [75:30] To your Lord, on that day, is the summoning. [75:31] For he observed neither the charity, nor the contact prayers (Salat). [75:32] But he disbelieved and turned away. [75:33] With his family, he acted arrogantly. [75:34] You have deserved this. [75:35] Indeed, you have deserved this.\\n[107:1] Do you know who really rejects the faith? [107:2] That is the one who mistreats the orphans. [107:3] And does not advocate the feeding of the poor. [107:4] And woe to those who observe the contact prayers (Salat)\\u2014 [107:5] who are totally heedless of their prayers.\\n\\xa0\\nImportance of Salat\\n[2:3] who believe in the unseen, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them, they give to charity.\\n[2:45] You shall seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers\\xa0(Salat). This is difficult indeed, but not so for the reverent (\\u0627\\u0644\\u0652\\u062e\\u064e\\u0627\\u0634\\u0650\\u0639\\u0650\\u064a\\u0646\\u064e / kh\\u0101shi\\u02bf\\u012bna = humble / reverent) ,\\n[2:177] Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, t'