Einsteins Revolution

Published: Nov. 28, 2015, 1:55 p.m.

b'November 2015 marks the centenary of the publication of one of the most important theories in physics: Albert Einstein\\u2019s General Theory of Relativity. On this month\\u2019s episode I chatted to Prof Mark Hannam and Dr Patrick Sutton. As part of the Gravitational Physics group here in Cardiff, Mark and Patrick try to understand the implications of General Relativity, and are leading the search for direct proof one of its last remaining predictions: gravitational waves.\\nOn Wednesday 9th December Cardiff University is hosting an evening reception to celebrate the centenary, with free wine and soft drinks, and a selection of talks by Cardiff researchers. The event is free, but don\\u2019t forget to book tickets if you\\u2019d like to come along.\\n\\nOriginally broadcast on 26th November\\xa02015 as part of Pythagoras\\u2019 Trousers on Radio Cardiff.\\nAnd if you want a quick introduction to General Relativity, the following video was produced for the Science and Technology Facilities Council:\\n[iframe\\xa0width=\\u201d560\\u2033 height=\\u201d315\\u2033\\xa0 src=\\u201dhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/6XSAVqm0XBI\\u201d allowfullscreen=\\u201dtrue\\u201d]'