2015 round-up and Tim Peake

Published: Dec. 19, 2015, 12:21 a.m.

b'It\\u2019s been a very exciting year in astronomy and space science, with missions exploring distant reaches of the Solar System. There was a huge media storm about New Horizons passing Pluto back in July, with staggering results still coming back, and continuing revelations from Rosetta. But there was\\xa0even more excitement about\\xa0Tim Peake\\u2019s\\xa0launch to the International Space Station as part of his Principia mission.\\nThis month Edward Gomez and I discussed the year\\u2019s astronomy news, while at the celebrations of Tim Peake\\u2019s launch here in Cardiff I\\xa0spoke to Chris Castelli from UK Space Agency, and Pedro Duque,\\xa0an ESA astronaut who flew to the International Space Station in 2003.\\n\\nOriginally broadcast on 18th December\\xa02015 as part of Pythagoras\\u2019 Trousers on Radio Cardiff.'