Realign Your Business to Work with You and not Against You, using your Human Design Chart, with Guest, Amanda King, Human Design Business Expert EP327

Published: July 26, 2021, 10 a.m.

\u201cStop thinking it through, and feel it through.\u201d

We think that we have to figure it all out, wait until we are ready, make sure we don\u2019t do it wrong and make an ass of ourselves\u2026.not only is this false, but it\u2019s the opposite of a success strategy.\xa0

This Overwhelmed! Overthinking! Overdoing! mindset is the number one cause of entrepreneurs quitting.

I used to be one these people, until I ran my self into the ground burning out my entire adrenal and immune system 6 years ago.

To stay alive and get healthy I was forced to learn and implement an entirely new operating system, both in my mind and my business.

If you are feel run down, exhausted, and it feels like you can\u2019t catch your breath\u2026your operating system isn\u2019t in alignment with your Human Design Chart >>> basically who you are at core.

Let\u2019s say you are an introvert and need lots of down time, but your business model has you \u201con\u201d all the time, constantly creating and doing. This is not a good set up for you.

Whether you are familiar with your Human Design Chart or not, you need to listen and learn from my podcast guest Amanda King, Human Design Expert for Business Owners.

She unveils my Human Design type live on the air, as I haven\u2019t ever had a reading before\u2026plus she breaks down the 5 Human Design energies & how to leverage them for your maximum success and joy.\xa0\xa0

Meet Amanda King:\xa0

Amanda King is a Human Design Consultant who teaches entrepreneurs\xa0how to leverage their human design in their business so they can build a business that gives them the crotch tingles. \xa0Amanda takes the archaic language of HD and brings it down to a level that every single person on this planet can understand. Amanda shows entrepreneurs how powerful of a tool Human Design is and how they can leverage it in their business to build an authentically aligned brand.

You can connect with Amanda on:

Instagram: \xa0@Fierceasfucktribe\xa0

Website: \

Facebook:\xa0 @AmandaKing

Tik Tok:\xa0


Bitchin Biz Retreat in NOLA:\xa0

Basic Bitch by Design 5 Day HD Immersive Experience:\xa0

Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter, who takes the mystery out of making BIG money? A former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany\xa0 on Facebook @projectmewithtiffany and watch her TV episodes on ProjectME TV with Tiffany Carter on YouTube.