A Behind the Scenes Look of my Highest Income Month Ever (217K), What I Did and Didnt do to Achieve It EP366

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 11 a.m.

You only see what people want you to see.

Quite frankly all of us do it\u2026we could of had a major fight with our partner, and run into someone at the grocery story\u2026they ask us how we are doing and we say, \u201coh I\u2019m doing great thank you.\u201d\xa0

Meanwhile the truth is that your entire life feels like it\u2019s crumbling.

It\u2019s no different on social media, it\u2019s just easier for people to lie or highlight only the pretty parts of their world.\xa0

The basic boss babe who makes it look like all she does is travel in 5 start first class luxury, while her \u201cteam\u201d does all the unsexy work, and all she has to do is the fun and glamorous stuff.\xa0

Or Sarah the Spiritual Guide who micro doses, injects frog serum, and magically \u201ccalls in\u201d all the money into her life effortlessly. Her posts make it all look so simple and mesmerizing, leaving you wanting to know Sarah\u2019s secret ways.\xa0\xa0

The reason why this one-sided portrayal of growing a business irritates me to no fucking end is because it makes you feel like you\u2019re doing something wrong since it isn\u2019t happening so easily & effortlessly for you as it is for them.

You scroll and fall into the comparisonitis trap, I do it too\u2026There is no faster way to lower your vibration and confidence than to get into the Scroll Hole (as I call it).

Yet before we even know it, we end up in it again and again!!!

Please know this, coming from someone who has built two multi-million dollar businesses:

> Entrepreneurship ISNT easy, but it also doesn\u2019t have to be as hard as your may be making it.\xa0

> It will ALWAYS take way longer than you are comfortable with, and if you can stick it out, YOU WILL find success on the other side (most people quit during the \u201cdirty diaper\u201d period)

> You do have what it takes\u2026we all do. You must be willing to do the fun stuff, the interesting stuff, the tedious stuff, the scary stuff, the boring stuff, the adulating stuff, whether you have a team or not.. as it is YOUR business.\xa0 If my introverted, pretty lazy, highly sensitive, risk adverse ass did it, you sure as hell can.

There is ALWAYS more to everyone\u2019s story. The more someone paints a perfectly pretty dream-like picture, the more skeletons they have in their closets.\xa0

If you want a dose of the real deal of what it took to reach my highest income month, listen to this episode. Beware it ain\u2019t all Bali and Butterflies.


For the entire month of December, I will be donating $20 to my prime charity, Children of the Night, for every written Apple podcast review of the show.\xa0

All you need to do is:

  1. Listen to an episode
  2. Leave a written review on the show inside Apple Podcasts. Be sure to include your name or IG handle in the review.
  3. DM me on Instagram with a screenshot of the review (so we can verify) and I will donate $20 to Children of the Night.\xa0
  4. Bonus if you share this podcast in your IG Stories, so more people can donate.\xa0

I will be featuring the donors in my Instagram Stores throughout the month, as my way of saying thank you for being of service.\xa0

Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter, who takes the mystery out of making BIG money? A former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany\xa0 on Facebook @projectmewithtiffany and watch her TV episodes on ProjectME TV with Tiffany Carter on YouTube.

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