ProCo Episode 147: Dick's Last Resort Corporate Retreat - Bobcat's Big Ass Show

Published: Feb. 15, 2021, 3:24 p.m.


You know this guy Bobcat? He's a rude and rowdy dude who needs a taste of his own medicine. We know exactly where to source that medicine from. And remember, if you like this episode, just clap and hoot and holler as much as you want. The very accurate applause-o-meter will let us know.

Segment music written and recorded by friend of the show Andrew Stewart - @andrewishuman on Twitter.

Zach despises applause-o-meters, Jared introduces a new format for tiebreakers, and Adam and Jerry Seinfeld are kindred spirits.

Talking Points Include: King George Begins, Animal Planet Black List, A New Better Halftime Show, Insult Comics, Steve Urp-bowl, Stanning Tom Bergeron, Jared's Haunted House Rules, Give Us a WooHoo, Using Insult Comics to Our Advantage
