Kevin Schaffer/Ryan Page #2

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'Very intelligent, very well spoken, my first guest on this edition of the Production Conversation podcast is none other than Kevin Schaffer. I was very impressed by this bright young man and we had a lot to debate and discuss and it was a great time the whole way. (4:45)\\n\\nIt went down like this\\u2026.\\nKevin does what any college student does, tell me his major and what he plans to do with it. (5:35)\\nKevin describes why he identifies as a conservative/young republican and what it is like having that ideology in a liberal state and university (7:28)\\nKevin explains more in detail on how handles the criticism he gets for his political views and how hard it is to be judged by other people because of his views, including when it comes to difficulty dating and maintaining friendships (9:44)\\nThis is what Kevin has to say for anyone who judges him to be a conversative (11:32)\\nKevin then talks about President Donald J. Trump, his rhetoric, his views on how he\\u2019s done in office and what he would like to see him do differently (17:26)\\nKevin then gives his views on Joe Biden. He talks about some of the things he has said and his actions and how he would react if Biden gets elected President. (27:52)\\nMe and Kevin then have an honest conversation about how awful the New York Giants and New York Jets have been, what both franchises need to do to improve, the players we like and dislike, the recent and future drafts, the popular coaching candidates, and we discuss other stories around the NFL (31:49)\\nKevin and I then get into a discusses about the Mets and Yankees and what changes those teams must do (1:03:54)\\nKevin then talks to me about his New York Islanders and what he is excited to see with their bright future (1:15:06)\\nMe and Kevin then share/compare stories and experiences being in the Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Hartford (1:16:30)\\n\\n\\nAfter I spoke with Kevin, I then brought back Ryan Page to discuss his perspective on why people should vote Blue in this Election and why he thinks Joe Biden should be the President of the United States. (1:43:00)\\n\\nI then give one more message to the audience about the election. (2:10:59)'