Julia Borges

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 5 a.m.

b"This podcast is gonna get a lot of laughs and smiles. On a special Tuesday edition of The Productive Conversation Podcast, I brought in my long time and great friend from college, the world famous Julia Borges. Julia is rising up in the world of finance and had quiet an impact on the University of Hartford social community and me and her had a lot of laughs, went down memory lane, and it was a dope experience having her on the show. From talking about hilarious, awkward, and entertaining Uhart memories, seeing our friends getting married, how she is dealing with Tom Brady becoming a success in Tampa, New York vs. Boston sports debates, talking about famous people who are our age, NYC vs. Boston vs. Hartford bar scenes, and much much more\\u2026 (2:22)\\n\\n- Julia starts the podcast by telling me what Work From Home has been like for her this year in the state of Massachusetts, what she was up to during the quarantine and how she managed and reacted to it (3:06)\\n- We talk about some of our favorite tv shows and meeting one of the stars of one of our favorite TV shows (6:41)\\n- We then talk about Soft-Spoken people, we talk about our friend Brad Finn (8:45)\\n- We then talk about how some of our mutual friends from Uhart would hide pets on the on-campus apartments (12:32)\\n- Julia and I then reminisce about the infamous \\u201cVillage\\u201d apartments at the University of Hartford (14:56)\\n- Matt tells Julia about the time his high school had a real life \\u201cGossip Girl\\u201d, Formspring, and Facebook (17:21)\\n- We then chat about our friends getting engaged and weddings (21:16)\\n- We then talk about Matt\\u2019s famous Grad party in the Summer of 2017 and we encourage people to have more parties (33:28)\\n- We then discuss Matt Brown\\u2019s New York City aspirations (35:00)\\n- Then Julia and I have quiet the Boston vs. New York Sports teams debate, how her teams and city had a great decade of winning, what it is like for her to see Tom Brady have success in Tampa and Mookie Betts winning a World Series in Los Angeles (39:11)\\n- Julia then tells me about her favorite Boston athletes and some rom- coms, thrillers, superhero, and oscar worthy movies we\\u2019ve seen recently (spoilers!) (44:59)\\n- We then discuss what we search on YouTube, what we\\u2019ve been binging, and Matt\\u2019s awkward gym story on the treadmill (54:13)\\n- Matt and Julia then talk about Tiger King and we talk about Zoo culture (59:53)\\n- Julia and I then get into talking about Tik Tok and we talk about Norwalk native\\u2019s the DaMilio's (1:03:14)\\n- We then discuss what to do when you see famous people and we talk about what it is like percieving celebrities who are around our age and younger (1:07:33)\\n- When then discuss John Mulaney and Julia tells us a hilarious John Mulaney interaction she had. We also talk about Larry David, the show Friends, and other TV related things (1:16:00)\\n- We talk about old high school teachers and Matt talks about a high school teacher he would go back and forth with (1:23:59)\\n- We then talk about Howard Stern, how Julia can\\u2019t stand him and I admire him (1:28:19)\\n- Julia and Matt go back to memory lane and talk about the crazy college bar nights at Uhart and we chat about NYC and Boston Bars. (1:35:08)\\n- Julia and Matt then talk about Spring Fling, and all the fun, awkward, and pleasantly memories from those weekends (1:43:11)\\n- Julia then asks Matt some hard hitting and honest questions (1:45:09)\\n- We end the podcast with Julia telling us the last time she laughed really hard, Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park stories, and when she met Yankees superstar Aaron Judge (2:04:04)"