Gabe Yeefoon

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'Calm, Cool, and Collective. That is what my guy Gabe Yeefoon is. The fact that he came on to bless us with an incredible appearance just shows how awesome this young man is. Me and him shared a lot great memories, told a lot of hilarious stories, and i just had an amazing experience talking to my buddy. We talk about how he got into working for a law firm and where that is taking him personally and professionally, we geek out on Stand Up Comedians, we talk about his time growing up in The Bronx, we talk about all the times we got lit in college and all the fun we had there, he gives us some special advice at the end (2:16)\\n\\n*** We also have a very special ending to the podcast. Gabe has a special message for a special someone that you will most definitely want to check out at the end of this show\\u2026..*** (1:35:40)\\n\\n- We get into Gabe\\u2019s Post-Grad life, how he\\u2019s adapted to becoming an adult, managing living in the pandemic, what he misses about college. (2:57)\\n- Me and Gabe get into how he got his first job out of college and how he got into working at a law firm. We find out of if and when he is considering going to law school, the toll one can have working at a law firm, but also how rewarding can be as well. We also get into the immense growth personally he has had since becoming a legal assistant. (6:34)\\n- Gabe then tells me if court-room dramas/legal drams accurately portrays what it is like to work at a law firm. (13:50)\\n- Me and Gabe the Geek out on The Sopranos (SPOILERS!) (18:49)\\n- Gabe then tells me about his Bronx roots. He talks about growing up in The Bronx, the lessons he learned growing up in -Morris and Cortona Park, and what he appreciates about the borough. We also get into the best food from The BX and some of the best spots to hang out. (25:31)\\n- We get into an honest talk about stand up comedians. We talk about which stand-ups were fans of, who to look out for, and we remember the great Bernie Mac. We also geek out on Dave Chappelle and Eddie Murphy (30:07)\\n- Gabe tells me about some of the most horrible movies he has seen lately. We then talk about other horrible movies we have seen and wish we had our time back. (41:10)\\n- We also get into food that is HORRIBLE. We also get into an honest conversation about Fast Food restaurants. (45:55)\\n- Me and Gabe then go back to memory lane and talk about our time going to insane college parties and the Hartford bar scene in college. We also talk about our Spring Fling weekends (54:32)\\n- We then talk about concerts. We talk about who we want to see and what the best concerts we have been to already. (1:02:04)\\n- Gabe then tells me some of the craziest things he saw at the Uhart Village Apartments, Fraternity formal stories, Fraternity Open Parties and Socials, and the Freshmen complex stories (1:06:34)\\n- Matt and Gabe reminisce about Matt\\u2019s 2001 Ford Ranger he drove in college and how that car became the car of Theta Chi at Uhart. (1:23:56)\\n- We then talk about old fraternity houses. Oh boy they were something else. (1:26:43)\\n- Gabe talks about the time he went to Norwalk and what he planning to do this Winter (1:29:53)\\n- Gabe then gives us some positive reinforcement to end the podcast (1:31:22)\\n\\nBUT WAIT!!!!!! THERE IS MORE!!!!!\\n- Gabe has a special message for a special someone to end the show. I have to say, it is very wholesome\\u2026.. (1:35:40)'