O ser profano que ataca embarcacoes || Conto de Terror

Published: Sept. 19, 2021, 10 p.m.


A viagem de Pedro \\xc1lvares Cabral em 1500 foi bem mais turbulenta do que o mencionado nos livros de hist\\xf3ria...



Instagram: @poraoesquecido


Acompanhe tamb\\xe9m as hist\\xf3rias no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXoVYBNqixyf36IXey3gT4w



Despair and Triumph de Kevin MacLeod est\\xe1 licenciada sob uma licen\\xe7a Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400012


Artista: http://incompetech.com/



Credits for the music Angst: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Extinction: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Final Boss: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Now or Never: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Look Out: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Deadly Sorrow: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji
