A invocacao do bobo || Conto de Terror

Published: Sept. 5, 2021, 10 p.m.


Quatro jovens se re\\xfanem com o intuito de realizar um ritual cujo objetivo \\xe9 a invoca\\xe7\\xe3o de uma entidade respons\\xe1vel por um julgamento de conduta...


Instagram: @poraoesquecido


Acompanhe tamb\\xe9m as hist\\xf3rias no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXoVYBNqixyf36IXey3gT4w


Credits for the sound effect Hand Bell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrqIq5hBFSw


Credits for the music Bittersweet: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Bad Encounter: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Cold Shivers: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Storytime: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Crime Scene: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music The End Is Always Near: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Misconception: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji


Credits for the music Extinction: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji
