Episode 176: Firing Customers - Business Tip of the Month with Hal Denbar of National Pool Partners

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 8 a.m.


Episode Summary:\\xa0

In today\\u2019s edition of Business Tip of the Month, we\\u2019re joined by Hal\\xa0Denbar, President of Texas at National Pool Partners.\\xa0

When is it time to fire a customer? Hal says that there are a number of reasons, the top three being issues related to payment, misaligned expectations, or the abusive treatment of his team members.\\xa0

Ultimately, you have to be quick to fire bad customers for the sake of\\xa0employee morale. \\u201cCut out the cancer early,\\u201d says Hal. \\u201cDon\\u2019t let it fester. Don\\u2019t let it bring you down and make you lose your joy for doing what you\\u2019re doing, because\\xa0that\\xa0is contagious.\\u201d\\xa0

Topics Discussed:\\xa0

  • 01:27\\xa0- Firing a customer for\\xa0abusing your employees\\xa0
  • 06:14\\xa0- Firing a customer for\\xa0misaligned expectations\\xa0
  • 10:05\\xa0- How to avoid setbacks or criticism personally\\xa0
  • 14:09\\xa0- The importance of setting expectations\\xa0
  • 17:14\\xa0- The value of having a CRM\\xa0
  • 20:14\\xa0- Getting the service agreement\\xa0right\\xa0