Episode 156: Price Increase - Business Tip of the Month with Hal Denbar of National Pool Partners

Published: June 28, 2021, 8 a.m.


Episode Summary:\\xa0

Today\\u2019s special episode is the first in a new series we\\u2019re calling \\u201cBusiness Tip of the Month\\u201d in partnership with\\xa0National Pool Partners.\\xa0

As we enter the second half of 2021 and the country begins to open up again, pool professionals are going to have many new opportunities to increase their prices. Hal\\xa0Denbar\\xa0of National Pool Partners sits down with us to discuss exactly what these opportunities are and how to take advantage of them.\\xa0

Listen in as Hal explains why higher prices are actually\\xa0expected\\xa0by consumers at this very moment and why we probably only have a few months to capitalize on this trend. He also shares his tips on crafting a great email to send to your customers informing them of your price increases.\\xa0

Topics Discussed:\\xa0

  • 01:27\\xa0- Striking while the iron is hot\\xa0
  • 04:25\\xa0- How to write great emails to announce higher pricing\\xa0
  • 06:40\\xa0- How much higher you should charge\\xa0
  • 09:35\\xa0- Weed out the customers who aren\\u2019t willing to comply\\xa0
  • 12:40\\xa0- Hal on his current work with National Pool Partners\\xa0
  • 13:47\\xa0- Why premium prices are important long term\\xa0