Episode 110: How to Use Jobbers Software to Streamline your Service Business with Chris Gardner

Published: Aug. 10, 2020, 8 a.m.


In this episode, we sat down with one of Jobber\\u2019s experts Chris Gardner to discuss the software that changed our business. This day and age, customers expect a convenient experience from start to finish and when you use\\xa0Jobber\\xa0you can give that to them. 33% of people say they would pay 20% more for a convenient experience, so make why not make convenience your competitive edge? You don\\u2019t need to beat your competition by lowering your prices when you can beat them by offering more value and it all starts with the booking process. You can set up custom forms so that your customer can book online, through social media or by phone quick and easy. You even receive a booking request notification when a customer submits a request which you can immediately review and convert to a quote or schedule a job. By using Jobber\\u2019s field service business software, you can win more jobs by creating branded quotes that customers can review and approve online then pay any deposits required.\\xa0

With the right tools for planning your week, you can fit more jobs into each day and get more done without having to hire additional staff. Your routes are optimized, customers can receive automatic appointment reminders, and your technicians always have the job details they need in\\xa0their\\xa0Jobber\\xa0app. For the technicians, you can create custom forms that will allow them to enter chemical readings, jobs performed, and any other information you want to collect each visit. It\\u2019s fully customizable, so track only the information you want to. On top of that, with Jobber\\u2019s waypoint markers, you can see every time your team interacts with the Jobber app, so you can view where the work is getting done and when.\\xa0\\xa0

Time is our most valuable asset, right?\\xa0Jobber\\xa0offers convenient automotive features such as reminders to the client, one-click conversions, quote reminders, and batch invoicing. One of the biggest complaints we hear is how long billing takes. With Jobber, you can also set up automatic invoicing and payments. This is huge because you can create recurring invoices, but throughout the month you can add\\xa0one-time\\xa0services such as filter cleans or replacement parts and it will run the process for you. Once it runs, only the recurring charges will stay on for next month\\u2019s billing cycle. By using their custom automation, you can get back more of your day to work on the business instead of in it. We promise you want to get\\xa0Jobber\\xa0today and take advantage of their 14-day free trial!\\xa0

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