Political Rewind: Changes to tenure raise alarm among faculty; Trump claims supporters may not vote

Published: Oct. 15, 2021, 4:23 p.m.

b"Friday on Political Rewind: Republican candidates on Georgia\\u2019s 2022 ballot are remaining silent about President Donald Trump\\u2019s prediction that GOP voters will not go to the polls next year if the party does not push harder to uncover his already-disproven claims of election fraud in 2020 election.\\n\\nIn other news, Georgia Board of Regents decided to make sweeping changes to\\xa0the rules governing how tenured faculty at state universities are evaluated, drawing alarm from many members of faculty.\\xa0Some believe the rules will have a chilling effect on what professors teach in their classrooms.\\n\\nPlus, the trial for three men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery begins Monday. The country will watch as lawyers on both sides grapple with the role race played in the young man's killing.\\n\\nPanelists:\\n\\nLeroy Chapman\\xa0\\u2014 Managing editor, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution\\n\\nDr. Andra Gillespie\\xa0\\u2014 Professor of political science and director of the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference at Emory University\\n\\nPatricia Murphy\\xa0\\u2014 Columnist and lead political writer, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution\\n\\nDr. Karen Owen \\u2014 Professor of political science, University of West Georgia"