How to Respond to a Child When They Believe Something is Unfair

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 11:05 a.m.

b'Life, as we know, is not fair, but are we trying to shield our children from fairness or are we diving deeply into acknowledgment and acceptance instead? Isn\\u2019t the ideal of everything being equal and unrealistic thought and trying to even every instance into fairness doing our children a disservice? How do we help them accept unfairness and still support them in their feelings when they feel wronged? Listen in as I go into more depth around helping our kids cope with unfairness.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nHave you ever felt alone in your parenting, as if you were the only one struggling? I know I have been there and finding like-minded individuals has helped me navigate the murky waters of parenting with intention and peace. For this reason, I have created the Peace and Parenting community, and beginning January 17th you can be part of our new membership. Each week I will be providing you with parenting strategies. I will host three live Q&A\\u2019s every month and supply you with lessons, PDFs, support materials, and an online community. To find out more head to: and get all the details. I look forward to seeing you live.\\n\\xa0\\n--\\n\\xa0\\nAre you ready to change your family dynamic through connective parenting? Work with me one on one and together we\\u2019ll hone in on the sources of discontent and chaos, and find solutions that are specific to your family\\u2019s needs. It doesn\\u2019t matter if you are married or single if you parent alone or you want to do this with your parenting partner.\\n\\xa0Enjoy today\\u2019s episode? Please share this episode with a friend and subscribe to the show to get notified of the latest episodes.Support this podcast through my partnership with Hand in Hand Parenting. Find useful parenting material and the Booklets I discuss in the show?\\xa0Click Here.Are you a coach, or online course creator? Have an email list you communicate with often? Do you have a website? Kajabi can be your home for all of these and so much more\\xa0Click here\\xa0and explore all Kajabi has to offer while supporting the Peace and Parenting Podcast with no extra cost to you.\\xa0\\xa0Follow Peace and Parenting\\nYouTube: Peace and ParentingInstagram @peaceandparentingFacebook @peaceandparentinglaLinkedIn @Michelle Kenney M.EdPeace and Parenting Facebook GroupApple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts\\n\\nWant to join The Yelling Cure Event:\\n\\nOur Sponsors:\\n* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code PEACE for a great deal: \\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries:\\n\\nPrivacy & Opt-Out:'