Changing my Behavior to Change my Child's

Published: Jan. 23, 2020, 12:39 a.m.

b"In order to change our children's behavior, we have to first change our own.\\xa0 It is difficult, frustrating, counterintuitive and takes a lot of inner work and self awareness.\\xa0 We're talking through the ways we have been able to make changes to our own behaviors and the power you have to change the atmosphere of your own home; Michelle does her yoga while we record and gives us an example of her meditation, you don't want to miss it!\\xa0 She also created a guide to encourage healing through journaling, linked here, check it out and start journaling today. Don't forget to rate, review, subscribe and check out our\\xa0patreon.\\n\\nWant to join The Yelling Cure Event:\\n\\nOur Sponsors:\\n* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code PEACE for a great deal: \\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries:\\n\\nPrivacy & Opt-Out:"