Myth America Podcast - SNEAK PREVIEW OF MythMaker Podcast Network

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'This is a preview of the podcasts on the MythMaker Podcast Network.\\n\\nWe like to delineate, us humans. We want things to be different. And we want our way to be better.\\nThat tends to takes us to defining the world in binary ways \\u2013 pitching what we see as rational and empirical understandings against story and intangible understandings.\\n\\nBut what if they\\u2019re not binary? What if they\\u2019re actually actually just different lenses to put in your glasses as you look at the world, that have more in common with one another than differences?\\nOn this week\\u2019s Myth America, a dance into mythos & logos, and some quantum physics, just to keep things interesting.\\n\\nMyth America is a live, lively riff on the big stories that sit in how we understand the world from cultural mythologist and trouble maker'