What It Means To be a New Age Digital Leader w/ Sid Tobias EP 18

Published: April 13, 2021, 7 a.m.

b"On today\\u2019s show, we interview Director, Digital Standards Office, Technology and Business Transformation, Advanced Education and Skills Training, Sid Tobias who shares with us his distilled wisdom on agile workflow and digital leadership.\\nHe mentors new digital teams with the BCDevExchange and teaches digital leadership to executives.\\xa0 Before this, Sid has served for 25 years in the Canadian Armed Forces.\\xa0\\nWe start this show with Sid sharing a life-changing incident that sparked his interest in agile methodology.\\xa0\\nIn 2002, when Sid was stationed aboard a Canadian destroyer in the Persian Gulf near Afghanistan, Canadians' training exercise was wrongly deciphered as a threat by an American F-16 bomber.\\nThe F-16 pilot decided to retaliate, and many innocent lives were lost in the aftermath.\\nThe Canadian and American leaders were quick to take responsibility and collaborated closely to ensure there was no repeat of such unfortunate incidents.\\nThis incident was also the pivot point that made Sid go agile.\\n\\u201cHow can leaders develop and introduce work procedures that create bigger and more frequent success opportunities across the board?\\u201d wondered Sid.\\nYou will learn the importance of being a true \\u201cServant Leader\\u201d or Leader Gardener\\u201d who can recognize the weakest signals from team employees to result in a truly collaborative approach.\\xa0\\nAs a public safety transformational specialist, Sid emphasizes the importance of a team-driven work approach.\\nWe also compare and contrast the waterfall approach to the agile approach. And reveal how a shift towards agile can help organizations fail cheap and pivot quickly.\\nYou will also learn how the agile methodology allows the government to rope in private sector enterprises for top-secret projects.\\xa0\\nEnjoy!\\nQuestion That I Ask In Today\\u2019s Show\\nWhy did you decide to get educated in the Agile Methodology?\\nWhat are some of the major obstacles in the digital transformation drive?\\nFrom your time in the military, what is the most important leadership lesson that you learned?\\nWhat are the three words that describe being a Canadian?\\n\\xa0\\nWhat You Will Learn In This Show\\nAn agile vs. Waterfall approach\\nHow going agile can allow you to fail cheap and pivot quickly\\nGiving up the command-and-control management style and being a \\u201cLeader Gardener\\u201d to your people instead\\nHow going agile can help ensure the success of public-private partnerships\\nAnd so much more\\u2026\\xa0\\xa0\\nResources\\nBC Dev Exchange - https://bcdevexchange.org/\\nSid's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sidtobias/\\nHow to Contact the Show\\n--- Follow Passion Struck on Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/passion_struck_podcast\\n-- Combat veteran, multi-industry CEO, and Author John R. Miles is on a mission to make passion go viral by helping growth seekers to overcome their fear, self-doubt, and adversity. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a CEO and Fortune 50 C-Level Executive, and the truths he has learned to help make other's lives better. His new podcast Passion Struck provides inspirational interviews and powerful guidance for people to take their lives to the next level. Watch as these high achievers weigh in on life's biggest questions and challenges as we journey on the path to becoming passion-struck.\\n-- Follow John R. Miles Here:\\nWebsite - https://passionstruck.com/\\u200b \\n\\u200b\\u200bInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/john_r_miles \\u200b\\u200b\\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Johnrmiles.c0m\\u200b \\n\\u200bTwitter: https://twitter.com/Milesjohnr\\u200b \\u200b\\u200b\\nMedium: https://medium.com/@JohnRMiles\\u200b \\n\\u200bJohn's Website: https://johnrmiles.com/\\u200b\\n- John's New eBook - The Passion Struck Framework https://passionstruck.com/coaching/\\u200b"