How Can You Overcome Your Limits? EP 86

Published: Dec. 3, 2021, 8:29 a.m.

b"In this solo episode, John R. Miles discusses how our limits result from the mindset that we choose to live and act by. Often we develop beliefs that are not real and only exist in our minds.\\xa0 What could you accomplish if you could break free from this mindset and live to your potential?\\nJohn provides the examples of Michael Jordan and John Bassinger to illustrate those who pushed past their limits and explores this through the lens of Dr. Carol Dweck's work on mindset.\\nNew to this channel and the passion-struck podcast? Check out our starter packs which are our favorite episodes grouped by topic, to allow you to get a sense of all the podcast has to offer. Go to \\nHave You Tried Talkspace?\\nTalkspace:\\xa0The online therapy company that believes that therapy should be affordable, confidential, and convenient. Join over 500,000 people who have used Talkspace for online treatment with their licensed therapist. Get $100 off your first month when you visit\\ and use promo code PASSIONSTRUCK at sign-up.\\nLike this? Please join me on my new platform for peak performance, life coaching, self-improvement, and personal growth: and sign up for our email list.\\nThank you for joining us today on the Passion Struck podcast.\\xa0\\nNew Interviews with the World's GREATEST high achievers will be posted every Tuesday with a Momentum Friday inspirational message!\\nSHOW NOTES\\n0:00 Introduction\\n2:22 The Importance of Managing Your Mindset\\n4:15 Push Beyond Your Self-Imposed Limits\\n5:09 Applying Dr. Carol Dweck's guidance\\n9:35 How Michael Jordan overcame a fixed mindset\\n11:05 See things in a new way\\n12:37 How will you seek to change?\\nENGAGE WITH JOHN R. MILES\\n* Subscribe to my channel: \\n* Leave a comment, 5-star rating (please!)\\n* Support me:\\n* About:\\n* Twitter:\\n* Facebook: \\n* Medium:\\u200b \\n* Instagram:\\nPASSION STRUCK\\n*Subscribe to Podcast:\\xa0\\n*Website:\\xa0\\n* Gear:\\xa0\\n*About:\\xa0\\n*Instagram:\\xa0\\n*LinkedIn:\\xa0\\n*Blog:\\xa0"