Dr. David Vago on Self Transcendence How to Experience Personal Growth and Awakening Through Meditation and Meta Awareness

Published: April 12, 2022, 7:27 a.m.

b'Dr. David Vago on self-transcendence - how to experience personal growth and awakening through meditation and meta-awareness | Brought to you by Babbel (https://babbel.com/passionstruck).\\nDavid Vago, Ph.D., is on a mission to alleviate suffering and improve well-being through investigating connections between the mind, brain, and body. He is a Research Associate Professor and Director of the Contemplative Neuroscience and Mind-Body Research Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University. He is part of the faculty for the Vanderbilt Brain Institute and Vanderbilt Institute for Infection, Immunology, and Inflammation. Dr. Vago maintains a research associate position in the Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, Brigham and Women\\u2019s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and is also Research Lead for the mental health and well-being platform, Roundglass, and a Mind and Life Institute Fellow. Over one million people have viewed Dr. Vago\'s Ted Talk on self-transformation.\\nHow Self-Transcendence Impacts Your Self-Identity\\nSelf-transcendence is the idea that there is something to transcend the self as if the self is something that is created through time. Over time, you have certain thoughts and emotions that construct your self-identity. It is a clinical model of self-reification, right conditioning, and habit formation. It all leads to how we conceptualize our identity, our needs, wants, fears, expectations, attitudes, and values. It is how our whole worldview is constructed. And so what meditation does, is it allows you to create a distance with those thoughts to find your greatest peace.\\nPlease enjoy Dr. David Vago\'s episode and leave us a 5-Star rating if you love the episode. I know Dr. Vago and I would appreciate seeing listener comments. If you would like to watch this episode in addition to listening to it, you can view it here on our YouTube Channel. Please subscribe.\\nThank You To Our Sponsor\\nThis episode of Passion Struck with John R. Miles is brought to you by Babbel. The comprehensive learning system that combines effective education methods with state-of-the-art technology. Save up to 60 % off your subscription when you go to www.babbel.com/passionstruck.\\xa0\\nOur Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/passionstruck.\\n\\u25ba Subscribe to My YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnRMiles\\nLinks from the Show:\\nBuddhism and Equanimity - MR Tom, DR Vago - The Virtues in Psychiatric Practice, 2021. This\\xa0edited text describes the use of positive psychology and contemplative practices in the context of psychiatry.\\nHow meditation changes the brain: A neurophilosophical and pragmatic account. DR Vago - Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Meditation, 2022 This\\xa0Handbook on the Philosophy of Meditation provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the state of the field of the philosophy of meditation and engages primarily in the philosophical assessment of the merits of meditation practices.\\nYaden, D. B., J. Haidt, R. W. Hood, D. R. Vago, and A. B. Newberg (2017). "The Varieties of Self-Transcendent Experience." Review of General Psychology\\xa021(2): 143-160. [Link]\\nVago, D. R. and D. A. Silbersweig (2012). "Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence (S-ART): a framework for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness." Front Hum Neurosci\\xa06: 296. [Link]\\nVago, D. R. and F. Zeidan (2016). "The brain on silent: mind wandering, mindful awareness, and states of mental tranquility." Ann N Y Acad Sci\\xa01373(1): 96-113. [Link]\\nDavis, J. H. and D. R. Vago (2014). "Can enlightenment be traced to specific neural correlates, cognition, or behavior? No, and (a qualified) Yes." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. [Link]\\nThe Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell\\nTranscend by Scott Barry Kauffman\\nFollow Dr. David Vago\\n* Website: https://www.contemplativeneurosciences.com/\\xa0\\n* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dave_vago/\\\\\\n*Twitter: https://twitter.com/dave_vago\\n*LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/i'