Ep. 145 | Overcoming Mom Guilt

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 6 a.m.

b'Do you struggle with condemnation every time you blow it with your kids? Are you constantly beating yourself up as a mom for things you\\u2019ve said or done? Do you wish you could stop dwelling on every little mistake, let go of guilt, and just enjoy being a mom? Join Ginger Hubbard and Katy Morgan as they discuss why the comparison trap is so dangerous in our role as Christian parents and how we can strive to live more fully in Christ so that His righteousness comes forth in our lives.\\n***\\nFor show notes and episode downloads, go to https://www.gingerhubbard.com/blogs/podcast/episode-145-overcoming-mom-guilt***\\nSupport this podcast:\\xa0\\xa0\\nhttps://www.gingerhubbard.com/support\\n***\\nSponsor for this episode:\\xa0\\xa0\\nThe World and Everything in It | wng.org/podcasts/the-world-and-everything-in-it\\nCTC Math | ctcmath.com\\nConcurrently | wng.org/podcasts/concurrently\\n***'