Ep. 084 | Tattoos, Nose Rings & Funky Colored Hair

Published: Aug. 22, 2022, 6 a.m.

b'When you say \\u201cno\\u201d to current fashion trends, are you being accused of being legalistic and controlling? Are you looking for ways to set standards that you believe are best without provoking anger in your teenager? Join Ginger Hubbard and Katy Morgan as they discuss the importance of keeping an eternal perspective as we navigate the parental challenges of the teenage years.\\n***\\nFor show notes and episode downloads, go to GingerHubbard.com/Podcast***\\nSupport this podcast:\\xa0\\xa0\\nhttps://www.gingerhubbard.com/support\\n***\\nSponsor for this episode:\\xa0\\xa0\\nBJU Press | bjupresshomeschool.com\\xa0\\n***'