PGK-Episode 155: The Heart of Grandparenting (with guest Dr. Ken Canfield)

Published: Feb. 8, 2022, 5:08 a.m.

b'Grandparenting is different now than it has been in past generations. Many households require two incomes and, with both parents often working outside the home, grandparents tend to fill the gap in taking care of the kids. While this gives grandparents a special window into their grandkids\\u2019 lives, it can be tricky in that they must follow the parameters set by their adult children in how they want their children to be raised \\u2013 often different from generation to generation. Dr. Meg, along with her guest, Dr. Ken Canfield \\u2013 both involved grandparents themselves \\u2013 impart wisdom and insight as they share real-life experiences and discuss essential keys to help navigate the joys and difficulties of grandparenting. \\n\\n \\n\\nDR MEG & GUEST DR KEN CANFIELD (PART 1)\\n\\n \\n\\nSo much of being a good grandparent is being a good parent all over again to your adult children. A strong relationship with your adult child will have a big impact on your relationship with your grandkids. In part one of this episode, Dr. Canfield, who authored the book, \\u201cThe Heart of Grandparenting,\\u201d discusses the importance of reconciliation between generations. Grandparents often desire a \\u201cdo-over\\u201d of their own parenting years, as they realize the mistakes they made, and want to help their adult children do better with their kids. However, grown children don\\u2019t always want to listen to advice from their parents, especially when it comes to raising their own children. This creates a tension that needs to be carefully navigated, and Dr. Canfield shares tips with grandparents on how to successfully do so.\\n\\n \\n\\nDR MEG & GUEST DR KEN CANFIELD (PART 2)\\n\\n \\n\\nContinuing their conversation on grandparenting, Dr. Meg and Dr. Canfield discuss generational synchrony - the unique relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. If a grandchild knows how their grandparent met their spouse, where they went to school, what they did for a living, and so forth, it helps with their identity formation and gives them a sense of belonging. Children seem to thrive when they have a generational connection with a grandparent, and grandparents have a special opportunity to teach and help shape their grandkids in a way that could benefit them throughout their lifetime. \\n\\n \\n\\nFROM THE PRODUCER\\n\\n \\n\\nThanks for listening to Episode 155, THE HEART OF GRANDPARENTING, and for helping Dr. Meg\\u2019s parenting revolution reach more than SIX MILLION downloads! Subscribe, rate, and leave a review for us on iTunes!\\n\\n \\n\\nGet Social with Dr. Meg on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @MegMeekerMD\\n\\n \\n\\nDr. Meg\\u2019s parenting resources and tools are available at\\n\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'