#25: Raising Great Girls (with guest Dr. Leonard Sax)

Published: March 28, 2017, 6 a.m.

b'This week\\u2019s episode is the first in a two-part series on raising great girls and boys with guest Dr. Leonard Sax. Dr. Sax is the author of Girls On The Edge, Boys Adrift, Why Gender Matters, and most recently The Collapse Of Parenting. Dr. Meg talks with him about many of the struggles parents have these days and his advise on how to raise girls in a society determined to knock you off course. Along with this great conversation with Dr. Sax, Dr. Meg will give you three points to ponder that you don\\u2019t want to miss and she answers a question from a mom about her young daughter trying to grow up too fast. Do you have a question for Dr. Meg? If so, email them to askmeg@megmeekermd.com and she could answer your question in an upcoming episode!\\n \\xa0\\n 0:00 \\u2013 AD \\u2013 SQUARESPACE\\n Get your website up and running with web tools from SQUARESPACE. SQUARESPACE gives you the ability to create an online platform from which you can make your next big idea known to the world! Use the offer code \\u201cMEG\\u201d to get 10% off your first purchase! Start your free trial today at squarespace.com!\\n \\xa0\\n 0:42 \\u2013 WELCOME\\n Dr. Meg introduces the topic \\u201cRaising Great Girls\\u201d. She teases her conversation with Dr. Leonard Sax, her three points to ponder, and a social question from a mom concerned that her little girl is trying to grow up too quickly.\\n \\xa0\\n 2:31 \\u2013 PARENTING RESOURCES\\n Many of us know that Dr. Meg has a passion about the relationship between children and their fathers. Regardless of your situation in life, whether you\\u2019re married, divorced, widowed, or a step-father, the book HERO: Becoming The Strong Father Your Children Need will show you how and why you should strive to be a hero father and the impact your presence and involvement has on your children. Go to HeroDadBook.com and pre-order today and receive a bundle of digital resources created especially for you. HERO: Becoming The Strong Father Your Children Need releases May 15, 2017.\\n \\xa0\\n 4:01 \\u2013 POINTS TO PONDER (Part 1)\\n Dr. Meg gives you three points to ponder as you learn more about raising a great girl!\\n \\xa0\\n 13:50 \\u2013 A CONVERSATION WITH DR. LEONARD SAX (PART 1)\\n Dr. Meg welcomes Dr. Leonard Sax for the next two episodes to give you information about how to raise great girls and boys. This episode focuses on what to do and what to watch for when raising girls in society today.\\n \\xa0\\n 30:02 \\u2013 AD \\u2013 SQUARESPACE\\n Are you starting a new business, changing careers, or launching a creative project? SQUARESPACE gives you the ability to create an online platform from which you can make your next big idea known to the world! Use the offer code \\u201cMEG\\u201d to get 10% off your first purchase PLUS a free domain! Start your free trial today at squarespace.com!\\n \\xa0\\n 31:34 \\u2013 AD \\u2013 ADVENTURES OF THE SEA KIDS BOOK SERIES\\n As a parent, how can you pass on your faith and values to your children? Check out the six-book series the Adventures Of The Sea Kids to help you teach these concepts to your kids in tangible, relatable ways!\\xa0 Use the discount code \\u201cMEEKERMD\\u201d for 25% off your order at glmpublishing.net\\n \\xa0\\n 32:55 \\u2013 A CONVERSATION WITH DR. LEONARD SAX (PART 2)\\n Dr. Meg welcomes Dr. Leonard Sax for the next two episodes to give you information about how to raise great girls and boys. This episode focuses on what to do and what to watch for when raising girls in society today.\\n \\xa0\\n 41:23 \\u2013 LET\\u2019S GET SOCIAL\\n Email Dr. Meg at askmeg@megmeekermd.com or tweet your question to her @MegMeekerMD. In this segment, Dr. Meg answers a question from Kristen about her 8-year-old daughter trying to grow up too fast.\\n \\xa0\\n 50:06 \\u2013 PARENT PEP RALLY\\n \\xa0\\n 50:37 \\u2013 FROM THE PRODUCER\\n Get Social with Dr. Meg on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @MegMeekerMD\\n \\xa0\\n Have a parenting question? Write Dr. Meg at askmeg@megmeekermd.com and your question could be featured in a future episode!\\n \\xa0\\n Dr. Meg\\u2019s parenting resources and tools are available at www.megmeekermd.com and click on \\u201cParenting Resources\\u201d. Enjoying the Parenting Great Kids podcast? Subscribe, rate, and leave a review for us on iTunes!\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'