Terrificon 2023

Published: Aug. 14, 2023, noon

Jeremiah and Pierre talk Terrificon 2023! Jeremiah also shares how he missed his bedtime for Kevin Smith and how he got a Jimmy Palmiotti sketch in exchange for an extra long twizzler! Pull or pass includes Hulk, Red Sonja, Magneto, and many more! Kyle was editing the last interview, so we recorded without him.. Make sure to stay after the outro jingle for some out of context bloopers! \n\nFor even more great Paneloids content follow us on Tik Tok, for the full videos of our interviews head on over to YouTube, and while you\u2019re at it make sure to check out our Instagram and Twitter (@paneloids). Leave us a review on Apple, Google, Amazon, Etc. and we'll read it on our next episode. Make sure to DM us and let know!