Own It! 288 | Being Brave in Business

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, 7 a.m.

Sarah Johnston says: ““Being brave. Getting in your own way by being scared to be out there! Twitter / other platforms can be hostile, lots of people following to unfollow - tactics and approaches that make me want to go more into myself..."


In The Show

Nicola and Judith discuss a question from a listener about being brave, especially on social media platforms which can feel hostile.

Nicola and her family have enjoyed a family BBQ at her Dad’s to celebrate her niece’s birthday and given that everyone was on furlough, they could do it on a Tuesday lunchtime. Judith has struggled to keep both her visiting cat and the garden alive during ferocious heat. She was only successful with one it appears, but the right one. #brave #heatwave #maths #fans #RobertBreedlove #5DayChallenge #assets #investments #PompPodcast


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola and her VA are back in the swing of creating the v-zine with a week in hand, and Judith’s enjoyed a wonderful exchange with a client about how her partner has worked out how good he is at maths and how to enjoy it again after a dreadful experience at school.


Focus Of The Week - Being Brave in Business

Sarah Johnston says: ““Being brave. Getting in your own way by being scared to be out there! Twitter / other platforms can be hostile, lots of people following to unfollow - tactics and approaches that make me want to go more into myself. I used to always think of myself as an extrovert but having my daughter with additional support needs has rocked all the ground beneath me.”

N&J explore to what extent they feel we need to be brave in business and what has happened to make them so.


Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Maths and Nicola picks Fans.


Project Updates

Judith rebelled in the heat against moving her project forward this week, too hot to sit at her desk, and Nicola is getting organised for her next 5-Day Challenge by getting all her ducks in a neat and tidy row.


Who Or What's Impressed

Judith was proud that the maths client and partner spotted the error of their ways and got back on track on their property project, guided by the maths, and Nicola recommends Robert Breedlove on Bitcoin. An Open Letter to Ray Dalio.

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