Own It! 286 | Knowing Your Worth

Published: Aug. 7, 2020, 7 a.m.

Confident and successful Aussie listener and former listener guest, Kerryn, asked J&N to address this age-old challenge, and it brought up selling your stuff for the right price, giving away only what you want to and more.

In The Show

Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who considers she still struggles with knowing her worth.

Nicola and her sisters have been to visit their Dad who has announced his intention to return to New Zealand; she’s got a new iPhone 11+ Pro and digital pen.  Poker with Pete was replaced this week with a drink and dinner in lieu. Judith tells Nicola the story of an ex who left her £300k in debt in the late eighties – he’s dead now, she’s discovered online. #TheNueCo #GaryVee #iPhone11 #hose #mice #5DayChallenge #KnowingYourWorth #MorningPages #Ancestry

What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is planning another Clicks and Leads 5 Day Challenge for 7th September and twelve pieces of content to promote it, following her own playbook. Judith’s done some very valuable coaching calls with writer clients this week and has found a new Morning Pages app instead of 750words.com

Focus Of The Week - Knowing Your Worth

Confident and successful Aussie listener and former listener guest, Kerryn, asked J&N to address this age-old challenge, and it brought up selling your stuff for the right price, giving away only what you want to, asking for testimonials and noting what people appreciate about you, quoting for work on a value billing basis and asking for a brief and a budget before accepting work which might turn out not to reflect your true worth.

Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Hose and Nicola picks Mice.

Project Updates

Nicola has created a white paper called Survive & Thrive to 2030 and started a WhatsApp Group which she is proposing to migrate to Discord. Judith has completed her third out of the final eight goals in the self-authoring suite Future module and wonders whether she needs to do anymore since #3 seems to reflect her entire future in one. She will because she is a completist and a good girl!

Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola has responded to a request from Gary Vee in favour of a family member and enjoyed a good warm feeling about it, and Judith is impressed by the combo of her ex’s cousin and Ancestry.com which is how and where she was able to find out everything about his death, and by TheNueCo.com and their products and packaging, specifically their Functional Fragrance.

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