Own It! 284 | Overwhelmed Doing Everything Yourself

Published: July 24, 2020, 7 a.m.

Globetrotting Google and FB Ads Expert, Hannah G. Wiley, is on the cusp of growing her business and wonders if her overwhelm experienced by doing it all herself would be best alleviated by outsourcing, by hiring a VA, or taking on a business partner.


In The Show

Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who feels overwhelmed and wonders if her solution is to outsource, to hire a VA, or find a business partner.

Nicola’s invested in precious metals inspired by Alasdair Macleod and Judith’s had a highly productive week at her comfortable new desk. #Bullion #Overwhelm #BigCats #MrsAmerica #Distance #Squirrel #Outsourcing #VA #BusinessPartner #PreciousMetals


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is inspired by new clients Down Under and putting her course materials on Thinkific. Judith is inspired by a visit from self-employed funny clever clients Paula and John.


Focus Of The Week - Overwhelmed Doing Everything Yourself

Globetrotting Google and FB Ads Expert, Hannah G. Wiley, is on the cusp of growing her business and wonders if her overwhelm experienced by doing it all herself would be best alleviated by outsourcing, by hiring a VA, or taking on a business partner.


Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Distance and Nicola picks Squirrel.


Project Updates

Nicola is thrilled with the outcome of her 5 Day Challenge and her new clients, and Judith is happy to have found her way back to completing the self-authoring project designed by Jordan Peterson. She’s at 66% of the final module.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola is enjoying Big Cats on BBCiPlayer and Judith has discovered Twinsthenew Trend on YouTube and Mrs America, also on BBCiPlayer.

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