Own It! 281 | Lockdown Emotions

Published: July 3, 2020, 7 a.m.

Judith shares a long list of all the emotions which thirty confident businesswomen contribute to her Facebook post on the topic of the lockdown exhaustion...


In The Show

Nicola’s been out and about this week having supper with old friend Kim and coffee with sister Heather in the graveyard! And Judith’s moved back to her old neighbourhood in S.W. London for two weeks where she’s house-sitting her niece’s flat. #Polarity #BretWeinstein #5DayChallenge #Staged #Luminaries #Monaco #Intuition #Exhaustion #Emotions #RebelWisdom


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith was excited to discover the biologist Nicola mentioned in a recent show and together she and Nicola work out his name is Bret Weinstein and he’s Joe Rogan’s guest in show #1494. A friend sent Judith this link to Rebel Wisdom where she learns about the intellectual dark web.

Nicola is up to her armpits in promoting her Clicks & Leads 5-day Challenge which starts on 6th July.


Focus Of The Week - Lockdown Emotions

Judith shares a long list of all the emotions which thirty confident businesswomen contribute to her Facebook post on the topic of the lockdown exhaustion she was feeling. This provokes a conversation about how we are all taking the toll whether we know it or not, and the different ways in which we feel the impact and the language we use to describe our feelings.


Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Intuition and Nicola picks Polarity.


Project Updates

Nicola is reorganising the 22,000 words of her novel according to Story Grid guidelines and considering working with one of their editors. Judith is waiting for a comfy chair to sit at a table to finish her Jordan Peterson self-authoring program and is hopeful next week when she moves further west.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola has enjoyed The Luminaries on BBC and Judith similarly enjoyed Staged, and shares a fabulous quote from Princess Caroline of Monaco.

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