Own It! 275 | What It Takes to Be Self-Employed

Published: May 22, 2020, 7 a.m.

Inspired by an employee who is working from home during lockdown who doesn’t think she has what it takes to be self-employed...


In The Show

Nicola speaks of bitcoin, poker, scones with sister Heather, sourcing faster broadband to share with daughter Phoebe, and a close relative taking a Covid-19 test and finding it negative. Judith has lots on in her role as chatelaine and does some thinking aloud about Own It! the Podcast and whether it is or should be just about business. #Bitcoin #Business #Halvening #Self-Employed #Covid-19 #Chutzpah #JordanBPeterson #LorieLadd


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith is inspired by a video from Lorie Ladd about shifting the human collective, and Nicola by a stonking testimonial from someone who read and listened to her Money Gym book in a weekend.


Focus Of The Week - What It Takes to Be Self-Employed

Inspired by an employee who is working from home during lockdown who doesn’t think she has what it takes to be self-employed, Judith and Nicola explore what they think it does.

Judith’s article from 2010

The Guardian article from 2015    

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #275 | What It Takes to Be Self-Employed


Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Chutzpah and Nicola goes with Flexibility.


Project Updates

Nicola’s found a good way to chunk down her content of the Money Gym book into 101 bite-sized pieces for those who don’t want email. It involves a daily bot with a link to a password protected page on her website where you can listen to or read the content.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola and family have concluded their binge fest of all nine Star Wars movies in one week and are moving onto the two spin-offs – Solo and Rogue One.

Judith has fallen under the spell of Professor Jordan B. Peterson and his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, his self-authoring writing project $29 and his understanding yourself online profile test $9.95. She recommends three videos as a good introduction to him and his work.

The How To Academy Jordan B Peterson 12 Rules for Life (90 minutes, but worth it!)

The 12 Rules for Life in 20 Minutes

Bonus: The 13 Truths Incredible Speech

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