Own It! 270 | Life After Lockdown

Published: April 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Nicola and Judith talks about Life After Lockdown. Could we have prepared for this situation better? How can we be better prepared for something similar...


In The Show

Nicola helps Thomas Power with a webinar on using Zoom for business, and she and her children are enjoying sun-downers on the roof of their building while listening to music. Judith finally gets rewarded for being a client of Ocado for twenty years with a guaranteed weekly delivery slot which sets her mind at ease, and she’s chatted to an extrovert friend via Skype. #Skype #Ocado #Lockdown #Zoom #Webinars #OnlineBusiness


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola studied Justin Brooke’s course called $100 a Day, and Judith received some lovely thanks from listeners, a brilliant observation from a Facebook friend, plus she’s started tapping with those in emotional overload.


Focus Of The Week - Life After Lockdown

  1. Could we have prepared for this situation better?
  2. How can we be better prepared for something similar next time?
  3. What would we like life to be life afterwards?

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #270 | Life After Lockdown


Words Of The Week

Judith chooses Apocalypse and Nicola goes with Reset.


Project Updates

Nicola’s bought a new domain name and is creating a new website, and Judith is impressed by those alphabetising their CD collections.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola and the kids enjoyed a movie called World War Z starring Brad Pitt, and Judith likes Race Across the World on BBC iPlayer.

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