Own It! 266 | Ambivalence

Published: March 20, 2020, 8:34 a.m.

Nicola teaches us about our chimp (middle) brain which explains ambivalence, something she learned from attending a local wellbeing course on Intuitive Thinking Skills ...


In The Show

Nicola reminds us that it is four years since Steve died, and talks about the stages of grief. Judith is fascinated by the financial and political goings-on under cover of the virus. #Ambivalence #ChimpBrain #covid-19 #Pandemic #Budget


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith waxes lyrical about Rishi Sunak, the UK’s new Chancellor of the Exchequer and his first budget within three weeks of landing the new job at 11 Downing Street. And Nicola catches us up with the stats on her own recent 7-Day Challenge for Be Everywhere Online, specifically the great results enjoyed by one of her participants, a VA.


Focus Of The Week

Nicola teaches us about our chimp (middle) brain which explains ambivalence, something she learned from attending a local wellbeing course on Intuitive Thinking Skills and she tells us we can ask ourselves “to change or not to change, that is the question.”  (Episode photo courtesy of ColinsCreatures.com - check him out!)

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #266 | Ambivalence


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Pandemic and Judith picks Community-Minded.


Project Updates

Nicola has won a bursary for one of her writing courses – hooray!


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola recommends Liar season 2 and Judith’s hero of the week is the Loo Roll guy at his factory in Salford where he makes more than enough toilet rolls to meet our needs if we will just be community-minded and give him half a second to fill up the shelves again. He has a robust supply chain.

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