Own It! 264 | My Greatest Achievement

Published: March 6, 2020, 7 a.m.

Excluding your work, and your role as spouse/partner/parent, what’s your greatest achievement to date in your life and how did you successfully make that happen?


In The Show

Nicola has a coronavirus survival plan and is laying in emergency supplies in case she and her family are quarantined. She’s been out playing poker with Pete. Judith’s excited by progress on her new brain training app called Elevate. #achievement #greatestachievement #covid-19 #braintraining.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith shares an uplifting testimonial from a podcast listener, and Nicola has completed the Helen Pritchard LinkedIn challenge and is pleased with the results.


Focus Of The Week

Excluding your work, and your role as spouse/partner/parent, what’s your greatest achievement to date in your life and how did you successfully make that happen? Nicola and Judith debate a few things they are proud of and Nicola works out her greatest achievement live on air. We’d love to hear yours in the Own It! Facebook Group, do share.

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #264 | My Greatest Achievement


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Prepper and Judith picks Upliftment.


Project Updates

Nothing from either J or N this week.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola is excited by the prospect of I Am Not Ok with This on Netflix, and Judith is enjoying her latest 432 Hz music which has abundance affirmations built in.

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