Own It! 255 | 2020 Hopes & Dreams

Published: Dec. 27, 2019, 7 a.m.

Judith and Nicola talks about 2020 Hopes & Dreams. One of Nicola’s dream is to be happy every day while Judith wants to have debt freedom.


In The Show

Judith and Nicola discuss their respective Christmas plans, Judith laughs at what Lumosity has to say about her Writer Profile and Nicola tells a tale of time-wasting email politics at her latest new client.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is very excited by learning to promote her books using Amazon Ads and Judith is thrilled to discover two very cheering comments from Aussie Robin B on the Own It website.


Focus Of The Week - 2020 Hopes & Dreams


  1. Debt freedom
  2. Settling down into a home of her own
  3. Opportunities and adventures which cannot be imagined today


  1. To be happy every day
  2. To return to Stoupa as a visitor, and more travel
  3. To keep moving forward in her C & L Academy and other businesses such as Stoupa Life

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #255 | 2020 Hopes & Dreams


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses New and Judith picks Intention.


Project Updates

Nicola is experimenting with sharing ten-minute clips of the podcast on her LinkedIn profile.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola is impressed by PublisherRocket.com and Judith by a long-term client.

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