Own It! 252 | Resilience

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 7 a.m.

What is resilience and how useful is it in your business and your life? Do Judith and Nicola think they are resilient? How can you become more resilient and do you think it would be useful?


In The Show

Nicola’s week involves mince pies, curries, Chelsea boots and a visit from a client, as well as Nelson (her son) booking a venue in Brighton for a big music event in December. And Judith’s experienced her first bad haircut on the move and a repeat of what she’s calling The Beckenham Experience.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith’s experienced a revelation about her life which makes her very grateful, and Nicola reports on Own It’s HUGE (inexplicable) download spike after the previous show.


Focus Of The Week

What is resilience and how useful is it in your business and your life? Do Judith and Nicola think they are resilient? How can you become more resilient and do you think it would be useful?

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #252 | Resilience


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Cleaning and Judith picks Sleepless.


Project Updates

Nicola describes initiatives for making more of the marketing of Own It! the Podcast by offering transcriptions of the important middle bits for opt-in PDF downloads.


Who Or What's Impressed

Judith likes the simple effective system for the bins in her part of Hampshire and Nicola appreciates Mindhunter season 2 on Netflix.

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