Own It! 237 | Dust and Doldrums

Published: July 26, 2019, 7 a.m.

Nicola was experiencing a difficult and confusing week and no sooner had she reached out to Judith for some help than things began to improve.


In The Show

It has been a cooler week in Stoupa and all her guests are gone, but Nicola’s internet is still not fixed which has made it difficult for her to do everything she wants to online and in her business. And she’s still without a cleaner.

Judith has found Suffolk to be full of bug perils (tiny wasps and big fat mozzies), and also surprisingly social with two outings in six days. That’s a lot for her.


What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith really enjoyed an outing with a long-time colleague in the Waitrose café at Sudbury (!) and Nicola couldn’t find anything whatsoever to discuss in this section this week, which she explains later.


Focus Of The Week

Nicola was experiencing a difficult and confusing week and no sooner had she reached out to Judith for some help than things began to improve. She’s had some challenges but really couldn’t work out what to do about them. Judith and she debate the bigger issue and try to draw some conclusions and what, if anything, is to be done. Start with simplifying the problem, and testing solutions one at a time.


LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #237 | Dust and Doldrums


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Doldrums and Judith picks Language.


Project Updates

Nicola mentions podcast download numbers, generally up, her big project is still on after she tickled the other side into a timely response, no progress on her audio book but she’s invested in some Instagram influencer marketing with gratifying early results in terms of follower numbers.


Who Or What’s Impressed

Nicola enjoyed Ryan Levesque’s interview with James Schramko about RL’s new book Choose.

Judith enjoyed Howard Jacobson on R4’s Point of View, talking about The Language of Leaving.

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