Own It! 232 | Getting Out of Your Own Way: Louise Fletcher

Published: June 21, 2019, 7 a.m.

Louise Fletcher is an artist who, against her own better judgement, came to London to participate in a somewhat woo woo workshop put on by fellow artist Alice Sheridan, and Georgina Noel..


In The Show

Summer has arrived in Stoupa and so has Nicola’s sister, Sarah, so there’s been lots of beach time, tavernas and book swaps as the tourist season gets well and truly underway. Nicola is planning her own travel to Dublin in August and for her daughter Phoebe to come back with her for a week on the beach after that trip.

Conversely, it has been very rainy for Judith in England, lots of water coming out of the sky and none out of the taps as she found herself in the middle of a water disaster story trending on Twitter.


What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith really enjoyed recording four more listener guests last Friday, particularly meeting today’s LG who had been a self-confessed silent lurker until stepping up to talk to Own It! And also the fury expressed by another LG because fury denotes passion and passion gets things done and changed.

Nicola has methodically worked out what it is about her vzine which offends Facebook Ads and that gives her a good way forward now. Audible initially rejected her audio of the Money Gym book on the basis the intro and outro had excessive birdsong noises, as does this podcast (but we love them!).


Focus Of The Week

Louise Fletcher is an artist who, against her own better judgement, came to London to participate in a somewhat woo woo workshop put on by fellow artist Alice Sheridan, and Georgina Noel.

She confesses that she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes but nevertheless returned to Yorkshire a changed woman, got out of her own way, and dropped her “can’ts”. Don’t miss this story, it’s a corker.



LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #232 | Getting Out of Your Own Way: Louise Fletcher


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Moderate and Judith picks Ark.


Project Updates

Nicola has been spending £5 a day to promote the podcast on Facebook and notices increased download numbers but reduced ranking as Own It drops out of the Top 100. What’s that all about then? We have no idea! Yet…


Who Or What’s Impressed

Nicola loves Maria Korma who runs two local businesses in Stoupa including Maria’s Magical Mani. Nicola describes Maria as “exuberant, relentlessly upbeat and positive and a great advocate” for the local area with her FB Lives.

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