Own It! 229 | Does Your Relationship Help or Hinder your Business?

Published: May 31, 2019, 7 a.m.

Is your other half pulling their weight, or do you do more than your fair share in your relationship and at home?



In The Show

Nicola has had a hectic and fun week but she’s found it hard as all the jet leg from recent travels finally catches up with her.

Judith has two stories to tell, a happy one about a family party and the other a sad one about the sudden death of loyal long-time client, Kevin.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola’s launched a 21-day challenge with 48 participants, some from her recent trip to Vegas and  some “delicious strangers” who’ve joined via Facebook Ads.

Judith was inspired by a young woman from a corporate financial firm she met at the party who was amazed to discover what she does for a living and reminded Judith how much it’s needed in the context of women and their self-employment.


Focus Of The Week

  • Is your other half pulling their weight, or do you do more than your fair share in your relationship and at home?
  • How is that dragging down your career and hopes of business success?
  • Have you negotiated this split and agreed to it, or has it just happened by default and, if so, what can you do to make it fairer for you?
  • How heavy is the sledge you are pulling uphill and who’s getting a free ride?


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Grit and Judith picks Women.


Project Updates

Nicola is seeing much improved rankings for Own It! in the iTunes Top 40 for What’s Hot. Judith is numbers focused with Patreon (8), the podcast FB group (191) and the listener guests booked for the upcoming recording session on 7 th June (4).


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola is impressed that Jane Goldman has been hired to write the prequel of Game of Thrones. Judith is impressed by philanthropist Robert F. Smith who paid off the student loans of the Class of 2019 at Moorhouse College, that’s 400 young men and women starting their careers without that heavy burden. He hoped they would find a way to pay it forward and that his gesture would help their community.

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