Own It! 226 | Boobs, Babies & Business: Guest Karen Flannery

Published: May 10, 2019, 7 a.m.

This is the story of how Karen Flannery went from being a teacher to buying two lingerie shops in Cheshire with her friend Kate who one day phoned and asked “Do you want to sell bras?”.


In The Show

Nicola’s “ground out” 500 words for Write Club and immediately entered them into a competition called Just Back (from Oz) at The Telegraph. She’s excited about her next trip to Vegas in early May, especially hearing Marianne Williamson and Marisa Peer speak from the stage at a mastermind event.

Judith enjoyed her birthday, a couple of house moves, four days in a country cottage, a thank you letter, a nice birthday card, Waze playing nicely with Spotify, all her PPI funds safely gathered in and cleared funds leading to a shopping spree and more.


What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is excited about chat bots and even contemplated opening a new business, before deciding to stick to being a consultant as she remember she prefers teaching you how to do it rather than doing it for you.

Judith’s shares an unsolicited testimonial, and her enthusiasm for Discord App.


Focus Of The Week

This is the story of how Karen Flannery went from being a teacher to buying two lingerie shops in Cheshire with her friend Kate who one day phoned and asked “Do you want to sell bras?”.

Karen describes how losing her parents, getting married and having children and expressing her inner entrepreneur led to a massive change of career, from one she loved to something completely different and why she grabbed that opportunity. K & K are passionate about the benefits of a well- fitting bra and their shops focus on fitting customers, especially younger ones for lingerie, swimwear and nightwear.


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Love (lots of birthdays this week of those she loves) and Judith picks Interregnum.


Project Updates

Judith’s got a second viewing at Worthing and Nicola reports that the podcast’s download numbers are back to normal.


Who Or What’s Impressed

Nicola was unusually NOT impressed by the big fight scene in GoT (too dark) and Judith was delighted with her niece Clare’s marathon run (six hours, “hard from mile 8”), especially the £9,000 fundraising Clare achieved for Womankind. Plus, what an eye-opener Facebook Fundraisers turned out to be too.