Own It! 225 | Fun and Easy Marketing

Published: May 3, 2019, 7 a.m.

Today’s Focus is prompted by Own It! suddenly soaring over 100,000 downloads after more than 4 years and 200 weekly shows.



In The Show

Nicola’s been doing website things and enjoyed some really useful SEO tips which she shares including a resource called MajesticSEO.com. She uses the word Linkerati (!) and talks about some all-clears she received at a couple of specialist medical appointments.

Judith doesn’t feel like she had a bank holiday over the four-day weekend, she’s been so busy she exhausted herself and had to re-schedule her commitments including the podcast on Thursday this week.


What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is delighted with some problem-solving she’s been doing with FB Lead Ads and ManyChat, she’s got both working for her where they hadn’t before.

Judith’s put her website back online and immediately sold a digital copy of her book.


Focus Of The Week

Today’s Focus is prompted by Own It! suddenly soaring over 100,000 downloads after more than 4 years and 200 weekly shows. J&N talk about starting things –v following through and what it means to be career self-employed, finding a way to enjoy marketing so that it is possible to stick at it for however long it takes.

LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #225: Fun and Easy Marketing


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Humdrum and Judith picks Commitment.


Project Updates

Judith finally got all the conveyancing paperwork done for her BTL flat in Worthing. It swallowed up all of Sunday and involved the bribery of hot cross buns. It took four hours and involved 27 pages + 6 more and 9 emails to three different people. Phew! But now it’s done. And on Bank Holiday Monday there was the first viewing, from a BTL investor who has decided to widen his search to include Brighton instead of Worthing.


Who Or What’s Impressed

Nicola likes The Bay on ITV starring Morven Christie, and Judith is impressed by Tiger Woods’ winning the US Masters for the first time since 2005 and more importantly for her golf-mad nephew, Jeremy, sticking by his hero for those 13 years while Tiger wasn’t so successful in winning.


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